IMAGE Skincare™ is committed to making responsible choices, big and small, to foster a sustainable future. A sustainability task force has been internally appointed to help guide our company as we work toward making a positive impact on the world around us. Read on to see where we are and where we’re going.


All material used to create every product box is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council

The Forest Stewardship Council, better known as FSC, is a non-profit organisation that ensures that products come from responsibly managed forests and provide environmental, social and economic benefits.

Reduced unnecessary plastic

Plastic trays and inserts previously used within our existing product packaging have been removed and replaced with recyclable paper options.

Clean clinical skincare™

Formulas are continuously adapted and modernised to meet (and exceed) regulatory guidelines to ensure our products are globally compliant and above all, safe. We source superior raw materials with cleaner origins to find the best forms of both clinical and natural ingredients.


Environmental volunteering opportunities for our corporate staff

In the next year, we will begin to offer volunteer opportunities for corporate IMAGE Skincare employees at local, environmentally centric non-profit organizations.

Additional glass and eco-friendly packaging

We are working cross-functionally to transition additional products within our existing catalogue from plastic to recyclable materials, like glass and bioresin.

Gifts with purchase that incorporate eco-friendly materials

Aside from our primary and secondary packaging, the materials used to create the majority of our gifts with purchase will also incorporate eco-friendly materials, including recycled nylon and naturally sustainable cotton.  


As we work toward being a more sustainable brand, we hope you’ll follow along as we continue to make changes to better our company, our community and our planet.